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The foundation
Brita Maria Renlunds minne sr.

The primary objective of the foundation is to enhance the overall well-being of children and young individuals by cultivating a sense of confidence and optimism for their future.

The foundation disburses grants to organizations that assist children and young people in diverse manners, either through preventive endeavors or targeted initiatives aimed at averting child poverty or exclusion.

We operate in a professional manner, upholding integrity and respecting the wishes of our donor. The foundation maintains religious and political independence and is dedicated to responsible investment practices.

In the year 2023, the foundation allocated over 12 million euros in grants. As of January 2023, the foundation’s assets are estimated to be approximately 460 million euros.

Supporting children and young people for over 100 years

Established in 1918, the foundation Brita Maria Renlund’s minne sr. was founded in accordance with the last will and testament of Karl Herman Renlund (1850–1908). The foundation’s name pays homage to the benefactor’s mother. Karl Herman Renlund was a compassionate and visionary individual, originated from Karleby and rose from humble beginnings to become a prosperous entrepreneur. He bestowed his wealth upon the foundation with the intention of supporting childcare, fostering a positive educational environment, and promoting the well-being of children and young people.

Presently, the foundation extends its support towards both preventive initiatives for children and young individuals, as well as targeted programs to combat child poverty and exclusion. We also provide assistance to newcomers, children and young individuals with special needs, and those battling mental or physical illnesses.

Furthermore, the foundation sponsors meaningful recreational activities for children and young individuals. This encompasses both young children in need of after-school care and activities, as well as older children seeking hobbies or other recreational pursuits. The foundation places special emphasis on supporting young individuals who for various reasons do not have the opportunity or measures to engage in enriching leisure activities.

The foundation dedicates its support to the enhancement of professionalism within experienced groups that engage with children and young individuals. This objective is achieved by facilitating continuous educational opportunities for various professional clusters, with a particular emphasis on leadership training in the fields of teaching and childcare. Moreover, the foundation actively encourages academic advancement within early childhood education through profound collaborations with selected universities. To ensure an ample supply of competent personnel in educational institutions and daycare centers within the capital region, the foundation provides subsidized accommodation for teachers and staff.

Our values:

Hope, Confidence & Future

Contact us

You can find all our contact details here.
Our logo and press photos can be found here.

The foundation is led by CEO Birgitta Forsström
Phone: +358 44 7623900